If you are going to be doing some work on the roads, it is important you are aware of the health and safety risks posed to workers.
Here are some tips on mitigating these risks in outdoor work sites.
Temporary safety barriers
If you are planning on doing any work on the roads or road reserves, it is essential to organise temporary safety barriers that separate the work site from the travelled way.
These need to be strong enough that an out-of-control vehicle can't destroy them accidentally.
They also need to be able to redirect vehicles away from the work area and onto the road.
When these safety barriers are used, they need to meet the specifications of the Worksite Safety - Traffic Management Code of Practice.
Remember, safety barriers are different from containment fences that function only to separate the work area from the road.
These do not provide the same level of protection from an out-of-control vehicle.
Traffic Management Plan
Every worksite needs to have a plan to divert traffic from the site. Perhaps bright traffic signs could be used?
No matter how you decide to achieve this aim, it is important all workers are aware of how traffic could affect their jobs and the task they are undertaking.
Keeping pedestrians and vehicles apart
Separate routes need to be provided for pedestrians and vehicles alike in any construction workplace or areas where vehicles are likely to enter or exit the workplace.
This means it is necessary to provide clearly marked paths that take a direct route and to create pedestrian exclusion zones where required.
You may also need to clearly sign and light crossing points where walkways cross roads so that pedestrians can be easily spotted by vehicles and vice versa.
Where possible, you should alert pedestrians to the risk of potential hazards. This includes areas where vehicles are likely to enter and exit the workplace.
Signs should also be placed in the worksite to indicate speed limits, vehicle movement and any other route hazards, where required.
Review the plan
Regularly reviewing the plan will ensure it remains relevant and effective and takes in any account changes in the workplace.
All workers should be aware of the traffic plan and how it is to be managed. They should receive instruction, training, information and supervision.
A site induction should include a run down or briefing of the traffic management plan.